Ferenczi Sándor Association

Art & Psychoanalysis 2021-2022

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Art & Psychoanalysis 2021-2022

Art & Psychoanalysis 20th season. Workshop-discussion series, a project of the Sándor Ferenczi Society, the Attila József Society and the Petőfi Museum of Literature.

The program for the 20th season:


10 September, 2021

ANTAL BÓKAY literary historian (Pecs)
Salvador Dali and the theory of paranoia in painting
In collaboration with EDIT BÁNFFY performer (Budapest)


October 15, 2021

BÉLA RIDEG high school teacher of literature and philosophy, PhD Candidate-PTE Theoretical Psychoanalysis Program (Budapest) Transgenerational Traumas in the novel “ Purge” by Sofi Oksanen
In collaboration with EDIT BÁNFFY performer artist (Budapest)


19 November, 2021

JUDIT MÉSZÁROS, psychoanalyst (Budapest)
The dialogue creator, Ferenczi
In collaboration with
Performer: ZOLTÁN CSADI, actor (Budapest)


December 10, 2021

ANDREA PARÁDI literary historian, museologist, (PIM, Budapest)
MÓNIKA TAKÁCS literary historian (Budapest):
Room of mirrors-The psychology of creation and the psychology in creation, in the works of Dezső Kosztolányi
In collaboration with BÉLA SZEMÁN actor (Budapest)
This event is part of the PIM Édes Anna / Kosztolányi – Trianon 100 exhibition: https://pim.hu/hu/kiallitas/edes-anna-kosztolanyi



January 21, 2022

ZOLTÁN KŐVÁRY psychologist (Budapest)
From Dostoevsky to Existentialism. Lipót Szondi’s fate analysis through a psychobiographic lens
In collaboration with ANDRÁS P. PETŐCZ actor


18 February, 2022

MÁRIA LUBINSZKI psychologist (Miskolc)
“Every breath is a lie”
The labyrinth of Self-deception and the development of the “False Self” in the works of Ingmar Bergman
In collaboration with ÁRON ŐZE, actor (Budapest)


March 18, 2022

MÁRTA FÜLÖP social psychologist (Budapest)
Traumatization, exceptional talent and the ecstasy of competition and victory, the unbearableness of losing in the movie titled: Queen’s Gambit.


April 29, 2022

Psychoanalysts and patients on the movie screen – The round table discussion


LÁSZLÓ BOKOR psychoanalyst (Budapest)
ZOLTÁN DRAGON movie critique (Budapest)
Panel moderator: BARBARA MIKLÓS psychologist (Budapest)


20 May, 2022

LÁSZLÓ SURÁNYI, mathematician (Budapest)
Soul and space-the genius of János Bolyai in the eyes of psychology and pneumatology


June 17, 2022

TIBOR SCHWENDTER philosopher (Eger)
Hans Castorp’s dream, Freedom and mediocracy in Thomas Mann’s pedagogical novel
In collaboration with SÁNDOR TÓTH actor (Budapest)


The program is supported by the NKA (National Cultural Funds)