Interdisciplinary workshop series.
2024-2025, Our workshop series continues in 2024-2025. The series is brought to you by a collaboration of SándorFerenczi Society, the Attila József Societ yand the Petőfi Literary Museum (PIM) and will be held at Károlyi palace, (1053 Budapest, District V. Károlyi u.16.)
The programs start at 6pm on Fridays.
The program for our 23rd season:
September 20, 2024.
PÉTER FORGÁCS (Budapest) filmdirector
Episodes from the life of professor M.F.,
film screening and talk with
October 4, 2024.
ANDREA BAUER opera singer and voice therapist (Budapest)
Destiny and Composition-Why did Puccini die right when he was writing the Turandot Liu aria?
Piano accompaniment by ÉVA GÁRDOS, pianist
November 8, 2024.
BÉLA MÁRK RIDEG, scholar of Finnish language and culture, literalist (Budapest)
The nostalgy of the Soviet past, The Child Comrade, by Leelo Tungal (biographical trilogy)
December 6, 2024.
ZOLTÁN DRAGON, scholar of visual culture (Budapest)
Beyond race: questions of identity in Moshin Hamid’s The Last White Man
Featuring: MELINDA TURY, editor of the book
January 17, 2025.
ÉVA HÁMOR, family therapist (Budapest)
The role of happenstance in the life and death of Robert Capa.
Film viewing of “Near to Capa” documentary and Q and A
February 21, 2025.
LÁSZLÓ BOKOR, psychoanalyst (Budapest)
Did Oedipus have an Oedipus complex?
March 21, 2025.
ÉVA STANDEISKY, historian (Budapest)
Revolt and Self-Actualization. The images of God in the works of Lajos Kassák. Performing: ÁRON ŐZE, actor
April 25, 2025.
TAMÁSHALMAI, psychologist (Budapest)
Stand up Comedy, aka escape from Israel. Trauma processing in the works of David Grossman.
Featuring: IMRE SIPOS actor
May 16, 2025.
TIMEA GYIMESI, a scholar of contemporary French literature (Szeged)
The Biography of Marie Darrieussecq by Paula Modersohn-Becker.
Performing: VIRÁG MARJAI, actress
May 30, 2025.
ILDIKÓ RÓZSA, psychoanalyst (Budapest)
What’s hidden in the castle of prince Bluebeard? A classical and a modern interpretation of the myth of the “Bluebeard”.
Date to be determined.
“Without Hope”, round table discussion about the movie on AttilaJózsef.
Discussants: GÁBOR RÓZSA, film director and producer,
JUDITMÉSZÁROS –psychoanalyst,
GYÖRGY TVERDOTA, literary historian
and ANTALBÓKAY –literary historian
The series is organized and the discussions are moderated by MÓNIKA TAKÁCS, literary historian.
Events are free of charge, and seating is first come first serve.
We reserve the right to make changes to the program, but you can follow us on our website for daily updates on: